
About Michael

Michael exclusively represents mesothelioma victims and their families.

Michael discovers the companies responsible by examining clients’ asbestos exposures through occupational and personal work histories. He has represented people exposed through various trades and experiences, including military veterans, automotive mechanics, power plant workers, printing press operators, drywallers, engineers, steel mill employees, and those exposed secondarily. Michael fights the corporations responsible for this staggering injury and injustice with deposition and courtroom experience throughout multiple jurisdictions.

Michael graduated from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 2007 earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. While in college, he interned for the United States Senate and volunteered for Senatorial and Presidential elections. He obtained his Juris Doctor degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 2011. While at Cooley, Michael maintained an academic scholarship and was awarded the Atticus Finch Award for excellence in professionalism and ethics.


  • Thomas M. Cooley Law School
  • Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Practice Area

  • Mesothelioma


Contact Us

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to learn more about your legal rights to mesothelioma compensation, please complete the form below for a free consultation.

Free Book Request

  • Who has Mesothelioma?
  • Has there been a biopsy?
  • What is your current treatment plan?
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